Polarity Center of Syracuse ~ Associate Polarity Practitioners
This is a list of our off site Associate Polarity Practitioners. They have all been trained to meet the American Polarity Therapy Associations book of standards. Each therapist also, brings their own unique set of skills that makes them hybrids in our field.

Terry Bruneau FNP, APP
Uaui Reiki Master
Karuna Reiki Master
Matrix Energetics
Terry Bruneau FNP, APP
"Touch of Heaven"
(3150 345-3578
Terry Bruneau is a Family Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of in women's health care with a full time medical practice at Cathy J Berry MD & Associates. She has experince in a variety of healing modalities including Usui and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, Reflexology, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics and is an herbalist. Her passion however is Polarity Therapy! She integrates concepts of holistic wellbeing into her medical pratice and has a home based "Touch of Heaven"; Polarity Therapy/Energy Healing practic in Baldwinsville NY.

Teresa Finley APP
Teresa Finley APP
(808) 295-4995
Manlius, NY
As a wife of a Veteran, Teresa enjoys working with military families and children. The focus of Teresa's work involves Veterans who are dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorders and/or Traumatic Brain Injuries. Her work is a gentle, compassionate and nurturing process that will bring relaxation and self-awareness. She also volunteers her services at Clear Path for Veterans in Chittenango, NY

Michelle Clark APP
Reiki Master
Yoga Therapist
Circle Leader~Weaving A Life
Michelle Clark APP
9470 Pendergast Rd.
Phoenix, NY 13135
(315) 695-5797
Michelle completed the Associate Polarity Practitioner Certification in the spring of 2014. In addition to thie certification, she is a Reiki Master, Yoga Therapist and a Circle Leader with Weaving A Life
Michelle captures the essence of all 5 elements in her work; drawing on the connection within all of her certificaitons to create an environment for balance and wellness of the Body, Mind and Spirit.

Linda Hjortshoj APP
Yoga Teacher
Linda Hjortshoj APP
(315) 947-5595
Facebook - North Coast Yoga Oswego NY
Linda has been teaching and studying Yoga for 40 years. She has most recently been studying and received her certification as an Associate Polarity Practitioner. She offer Polarity and other treatments at North Coast Yoga Studion in Oswego NY.

Renee Lobdell APP
Reiki Master
Herbal Healing
Renee Lobdell APP
Elemental Energy Within
(607) 423-9419
Renee has been practicing Polarity since 2009, when she completed her Associate Polarity Practitioner Certification. She is also a Reiki Master and is certified in Herbal Healing, Kinesiology and Iridology and combines her knowledge and experience to support your individual healing path.
Renee offers Polarity in the Cortland area and also at Adagio Restorative IthaSpa in Ithaca. Renee works closely with the area Veterinarians to provide Polarity to both small and large animals as an altenative healing option - proof that every sentient being can benefit from receiving Polarity.

Midge Regier APP
Midge Regier APP
(315) 382-8367
Midge is a retired Syracuse City School District teacher who taught for 32 years focusing on the early years and reading. She has been a Yoga Kids Instructor for the past 10 years. She is certified in both Yoga Kids and Radiant Child Yoga and has a white belt in NIA. Midge is presently practicing Polarity in the Onondaga area and is focusing on health and fitness as we age, there are no limits, healing and health are in our own hands.

Sonja Burns APP

Helena Zera RN, APP
RYT ~ PranFlow Shiva Rhea
Ayuryoga ~ Ayuvedic Institute
Certified Pelvic Floor Teacher
Helena Zera RN, APP
instagram vyanvayoga
Foundress of Vyana~a company blazing brightly with Illumination and Love
Helena leads heartfelt group and private yoga classes in the CNY area as well as traveling to teach workshops or promote Vyana; uniting the physical and esoteric modality of Polarity Therapy within her own practice and multiple teaching styles.
Associate Polarity Practitioner
Polarity Center of Syracuse School of Polarity Therapy
Reiki Master
Integrated Energy Therapist
I have been on my path of health and wellness for 12 years now; since my children were toddlers. I felt pushed beyond my limits with the responsiblity of two small children, other family obligations, and a husband who was out of town more often than not. I joined a gym, got fit, started teaching fitness classes and then moved on to Yoga. That was when I started t learn there was more to health than how many push-ups you could do or how long you could hold plank. Yoga taught me how to calm my mind, clear my thoughs, and put me in touch with my softer, mor nurturing and intuitive side.
I have acquired over the years a variety of hands-on healing modalities. It started with Reiki level 1 given to me, by my Mom, 15 years ago. Thanks Mom, for gently placing me on my path. In the meantime, I also acquired the certifications of Reikie Master and Integrated Energy Therapy. All fancy names for the simplistic ability to access the innate healing ablities within each and every one of us.
It was Polarity Therapy that ignited and integrated my two passions of hands-on-healing and Yoga. I now have a very unique experience with Yoga and the way in which energy moves throughout the body using movement, breath and sound.
I believe in the importance of self-care through meditation, body awareness, Yoga, nutrition, intention, as well as a positive outlook. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are as one. I work in the healing of all of those components in a loving, compassionate manner with your choice of a Polarity Yoga Private Session, a relaxing Hands On Polarity Session, or with a creative combination.
Polarity is the most comprehensive, leading-edge healing experience. It is the way of the future. I am passionate about sharing and teaching others what I have learned and continue to learn.

Lisa Porter APP
Reiki Master
Master Instructor of Integrative Energy Therapy (Angels)
Emotional Freedom Technique
Lisa Porter APP
(315) 380-0038
Lisa is an energy work practitioner and is trained in Polarity, is a Reiki Master, Master Instructor of Integrative energy Therapy (Angels) and Emotional Freedom Techniques. She believes that there is tremdndous healing potential in all of us and that with care and compassion, we all have the capacity to heal ourselves and others.
Lisa also volunteers her services at Clear Path for Veterans
in Chittenango, NY.

Charlene Marx RN, APP
Charlene Marx RN, APP
(315) 263-3023
I started out my career as a neonatal/pediatric nurse. I'm from a big family and I'm a nurturer. When raising my own family, I took the needed time to step away from the clinical setting. Years later, a relative introduced me to Polarity Therapy.
Once I started understanding the practice of Polarity I realized it was the missing link. I could take all of my nursing skills and bring them into my Polarity practice. I thought: this is for me!
In addition to my private practice I find fulfillment in volunteering my services at Clear Path for Veterans in Chittenango, NY clearpathforvets.com and Ft. Drum TBI/PTSD Clinic in Watertown, NY. As one Veteran described it, “Polarity gives me something no pill or procedure ever will – a settled mind, awareness of my body, and the relaxed condition necessary for my body to heal.

Leslie Eimas LMT, APP
Owner, My Oils Life
Young Living Essential Oils, Polarity Therapy, Light Therapy
NYS Licensed Massage Therapist
Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage
Associate Polarity Practitioner
American Polarity Therapy Association
Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher
Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
Bachelor of Arts, Brown University
Master of Arts, Northeastern University
I discovered Polarity Therapy as a client. For years I lived with chronic back and neck pain, mostly due to working at a computer as a writer and editor. I tried for years to make my professional life work. I switched from full time to part time. I practiced and taught yoga. I saw massage therapists, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, orthopedists, physiologists and neurologists. Some helped, but none made a lasting difference. Then I tried Polarity Therapy and Young Living Essential Oils and everything changed.
Right away my pain and stress levels decreased, and my joy increased. Within six months, I left my writing career and and began a new life.
I moved my family from the city to the country. I changed our diet. I went back to school and became a certified Polarity Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist. I took courses in craniosacral therapy and lymph drainage therapy. I studied Essential Oils, meditation, yoga, Buddhism and Ayurveda – the Indian medical system upon which Polarity Therapy is based. In 2007 I joined the Polarity Center of Syracuse as a practitioner.
In 2012, I discovered LED Light Therapy as a powerful tool for helping with stress, pain, hormones and aging skin. I continue to use Light Therapy personally and also offer it to clients as a stand alone treatment or with Polarity Therapy.